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Aberdeen Wanderers RFC's AGM

Aberdeen Wanderers RFC's AGM

Matthew Allen27 May - 09:39
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This year's Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 26th June 2024

To: All Aberdeen Wanderers RFC Club Members,

Notice is given to all that the club’s annual general meeting will take place on Wednesday 26th June at 7:00pm.

As per the club constitution, I request that any club member that wishes to stand for election in one of the following office bearer roles for the 2024-25 season, please confirm in writing (via email) to myself by 11th June 2024. These office bearer roles are

• President
• Vice President
• Secretary
• Treasurer (Senior’s Account)
• Treasurer (Youth’s Account)
• Youth Convener
• Membership secretary
• Child Protection Officer
• Senior's Player Representative

Also, if you have any suggested alterations to the club constitution, please could you nominate these and have them seconded (by a club member) and sent to myself by 11th June 2024.

14 days prior the AGM, a notice will be published on the club website with the Order of Business, nominations of candidates for office bearer roles, plus any suggested alterations to the club constitution.

Kind regards,

Aberdeen Wanderers Club President

Further reading